Food Sites for July 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The July issue marks the beginning of our twelfth year of these updates. That's twelve time-wasting years provided, gratis, long before Facebook -- or even MySpace -- was created.
You're welcome.
Regular subscribers to our updates newsletter receive these updates from our blog, Just Served, directly -- but there is much more at the blog that isn’t sent automatically. Just Served dishes out more than most people can swallow -- but, if you're in training for a competitive food-reading contest, you can carbo-load with us on Facebook, or Twitter. Our Facebook and Twitter friends already know about our recent blogpost, “No Puppy-dogs, Please,” an unanticipated lesson in French gastronomy; "Thanks, Euell," where things get wild (some things, anyway); and they had a chance to hear a recent radio interview that was part of a virtual book tour. Serious competitors can flex their gastronomic muscles at A Quiet Little Table in the Corner.
This month's quotation from On the Table's culinary quote pages, is just the thing for those summer day doldrums:
"Coffee is a great way to fool yourself into believing you're going to have a productive day." Bill Murray
July, 2012
PS: If you encounter broken links, changed URLs -- or know of wonderful sites we've missed -- please drop us a line. It helps to keep this resource as useful as possible for all of us. To those of you who have suggested sites -- thanks, and keep them coming!
PPS: If you wish to change the e-mail address at which you receive these newsletters, or otherwise modify the way you receive our postings, go here.
PPPS: If you've received this newsletter by mistake, and/or don't wish to receive future issues, you have our sincere apology and can have your e-mail address deleted from the list immediately. We're happy (and continuously amazed) that so few people have decided to leave the list -- but, should you choose to be one of them, let us know and we'll see that your in-box is never afflicted by these updates again. There’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of this page.
----the new sites----
(Leah Rae Berk's essay, part of the Alcoholism and Addiction Studies Collection, at the Brown University Library)
(Laura Weiss' article about the storied New Yorker Hotel and its artistic menus that evoke the glamour of the 1930s and 1940s)
(Sejal Sukhadwala's post at The Guardian's Word of Mouth blog)
(Mike Sula's article, in The Sun-Times Reader, about sausage outlaw-artisans in Chicago)
(Daniel E. Lieberman's Op-Ed piece, in The New York Times, on why there should be legal limits on unhealthy treats)
(special issue of 614, a magazine from Brandeis University)
("An Insider's Guide to Spanish Food, Wine, Culture and Travel;" an illustrated glossary)
(David A. Taylor's article in Smithsonian magazine)
(Jonathan Kent's article, in The Guardian, about baking as a political act)
(More on automats, this time in response to an exhibit at the New York Public Library)
(Gary Taubes' article, in The New York Times, questioning links between salt consumption and health risks)
(Dana Goodyear's article, in The New Yorker, on antibiotic use in the US meat industry)
(Gustavo Arellano's article about "How Mexican food became more American than apple pie")
(Courtney Watson's article, in the Inquisitive Eater, on pernickety copy editors and the recollections of glorious meals perdú)
-- inspirational (or otherwise) sites for writers/bloggers --
(Stacy A. Anderson's article, in The New York Times, about print-on-demand vending machines as a venue for self-publishing)
----yet more blogs----
----that's all for now----
Except, of course, for the usual legalistic mumbo-jumbo and commercial flim-flam:
Your privacy is important to us. We will not give, sell or share your e-mail address with anyone, for any purpose -- ever. Nonetheless, we will expose you to the following irredeemably brazen plugs:
Our books, The Resource Guide for Food Writers, The Herbalist in the Kitchen, The Business of Food: Encyclopedia of the Food And Drink Industries, Human Cuisine, and Herbs: A Global History are (much like Dr Sanscravat himself) commercially available.
Here endeth the sales pitch(es)...
...for the moment, anyway.
"The Resource Guide for Food Writers, Update #141" is protected by copyright, and is provided at no cost, for your personal use only. It may not be copied or retransmitted unless this notice remains affixed. Any other form of republication -- unless with the author's prior written permission -- is strictly prohibited.
Copyright (c) 2012 by Gary Allen.
Gary ... I bought your Food Resource Guide for Writers and I love it! We you be having a new edition?
Thanks, CJ!
Probably won't be a new edition 'til first print run has sold -- but I've been updating the text since the book went to press, so it'll be ready to go.
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