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Food Sites for April 2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Mustard greens (Brassica juncea)
Before the days of long-distance groceries, they 
provided something fresh after a winter of root vegetables

April may—or may not—be the cruelest month, but our April issue is especially large this year. If that seems cruel, sobeit.

Regular subscribers to our updates newsletter receive these updates from our blog, Just Served, directly—but there is much more at the blog that isn’t delivered automatically. Modern Salt has posted “Give Me Insurrection or Give Me Indigestion”  and another piece (or two) will be coming along soon. 

You can, if you wish, follow us on Facebook, and Twitter. Still more of our online scribbles can be found at A Quiet Little Table in the Corner.

This month’s quotes (from On the Table’s culinary quote collection) is a heavy-handed attempt to acknowledge the opening of a new season of baseball in the form of a culinary coda:

I devoured hot-dogs in Baltimore ‘way back in 1886, and they were then very far from newfangled...They contained precisely the same rubber, indigestible pseudo-sausages that millions of Americans now eat, and they leaked the same flabby, puerile mustard. Their single point of difference lay in the fact that their covers were honest German Wecke made of wheat-flour baked to crispiness, and not the soggy rolls prevailing today, of ground acorns, plaster-of-Paris, flecks of bath-sponge, and atmospheric air all compact. H.L. Mencken
Americans can eat garbage, provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup, mustard, chili sauce, Tabasco sauce, cayenne pepper, or any other condiment which destroys the original flavor of the dish. Henry Miller
Dibbler could find a use for bits of an animal that the animal didn’t know it had got. Dibbler had worked out that with enough fried onions and mustard people would eat anything. Terry Pratchett
April, 2016

PS: If you encounter broken links, changed URLs—or know of wonderful sites weve missed—please drop us a line. It helps to keep this resource as useful as possible for all of us. To those of you who have introduced us to sites like the ones in this newsletter (such as Janet Clarkson), thanks, and keep them coming!

PPS: If you wish to change the e-mail address at which you receive these newsletters, or otherwise modify the way you receive our postings or—if youve received this newsletter by mistake, and/or dont wish to receive future issues—you have our sincere apology and can have your e-mail address deleted from the list immediately. Were happy (and continuously amazed) that so few people have decided to leave the list but, should you choose to be one of them, let us know and well see that your in-box is never afflicted by these updates again. You’ll find links at the bottom of this page to fix everything to your liking.

---- the new sites ----

(Kevin Carter, of Savoring the Past, on using Google Books to access rare culinary texts)

(Dwight Furrow, at Edible Arts, on caffeinated reverse snobbery)

(Edward Behr’s introduction to cheese, in The Art of Eating)

(Jaya Saxena, at First We Feast, wonders why Westerners have such a hard time understanding the “fifth taste”)

(Jan Whitaker on Sylvester Graham’s ideal meals—which, apparently, did not include graham cracker piecrusts)

(Amy Bentley, Bee Wilson, and Annie Gray discuss the way we teach our children to eat; a little less than an hour at Gastropod)

(Julia Belluz, at Vox, on Marion Nestle’s work to reveal the connection between food industry’s marketing and some questionable research)

(an NPR story about, in a way, smart food)

(Cynthia Bertelsen explains things for puzzled Yankees)

(Altin Raxhimi on the diasporic history and etymology of a classic Balkan cheese)

(“500 years of bread, yeast and wheat history in 200 pictures,” with a bit of introductory text)

(Anastacia Marx de Salcedo tours a supermarket for evidence)

(a guide from Wired magazine)

(thirteen turbulent years covered in a virtual exhibit by The Kentucky Digital Library and the Digital Public Library of America)

(The Washington Post’s Roberto A. Ferdman reports on recent research showing that the consumption of chocolate improves one’s cognitive ability)

(“...with Thanks to the English;” history and recipes from Cynthia Bertelsen)

(Mackensie Griffin’s report, at NPR’s The Salt, rethinking our nostalgia for the good old days)

(Nicola Miller’s rhapsody to an under-appreciated fruit)

(Lisa Hix, at Collectors Weekly, provides an in-depth look at Toni Tipton-Martin’s The Jemima Code: Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks)

(Niki Achitoff-Gray gets serious about Italian preserved meats, at Serious Eats)

(two articles by Dwight Furrow)

(Kathleen Purvis rightfully complains, at Bitter Southerner, about gender imbalance in a particular genre of foodwriting)

(Noah Charney, at Lucky Peach, explains how and why we like being fooled by food)

(to bay or not to bay... a number of different responses)

(looking at Chinese-American Restaurants, 1896-1926, through their menus)

(Christine Jones, at The Public Domain Review, on the early history of chocolate in Europe)

(Margot Henderson, at Lucky Peach, discussing the differences between male and female chefs)

---- inspirational (or otherwise useful) site for writers/bloggers ----

---- more blogs ----

---- thats all for now ----

Except, of course, for the usual legalistic mumbo-jumbo and commercial flim-flam:

Some of the URLs we provide may link to commercial sites (that is, theyll cost you money to take full advange of them). We do not receive any compensation for listing them here, and provide them without any form of recommendation (other than the fact that they looked interesting to us).

Your privacy is important to us. We will not give, sell or share your e-mail address with anyone, for any purpose—ever. Nonetheless, we will expose you to the following irredeemably brazen plugs: 

Want to support On the Table, without spending a dime of your own money on it? 

It’s easy. Whenever you want to shop on Amazon. Com, click on any of the book links below, then whatever you buy there will earn a commission for this newsletter (it doesn’t even have to be one of our books).

The Resource Guide for Food Writers
This Food Sites newsletter merely updates the contents of this book; 
what doesnt appear here is already in the book.

The Herbalist in the Kitchen

The Business of Food: Encyclopedia of the Food And Drink Industries

Human Cuisine

Herbs: A Global History

Sausage: A Global History

Can It! The Perils and Pleasures of Preserving Foods (pre-order)

Terms of Vegery

How to Serve Man: On Cannibalism, Sex, Sacrifice, & the Nature of Eating

Here endeth the sales pitch(es)...

...for the moment, anyway.


The Resource Guide for Food Writers, Update #186 is protected by copyright, and is provided at no cost, for your personal use only. It may not be copied or retransmitted unless this notice remains affixed. Any other form of republication—unless with the author‘s prior written permission—is strictly prohibited.

Copyright (c) 2016 by Gary Allen.


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