Food Sites for December 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Uncracked (and virtually uncrackable) black walnuts, Juglans nigra
The holiday season looms before us, so this month’s issue is served early. It’s a big one, so we wanted to give you a chance to digest it before the serious eating and drinking begins.
Regular subscribers to our updates newsletter receive these updates from our blog, Just Served, directly—but there is much more at the blog that isn’t delivered automatically. Last month the blog featured an update on an article that had previously appeared in Roll Magazine. “Seeing Red Redux,” dishes H. Allen Smith’s literary trash talk concerning another’s pretence to chili greatness.
You can, if you wish, follow us on Facebook, and Twitter. Still more of our online scribbles can be found at A Quiet Little Table in the Corner.
This month’s quotes (from On the Table’s culinary quote collection) are hot stuff:
“It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you’ve done, or think you can do. There's a confrontation with destiny awaiting you. Somewhere, there is a chile you cannot eat.” Daniel Pinkwater
“Next to jazz music, there is nothing that lifts the spirit and strengthens the soul more than a good bowl of chili.” Harry James
“Chili represents your three stages of matter: solid, liquid, and eventually gas.” character Dan Conner, on Roseanne
“Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili.” Kit Carson’s last words
December, 2015
PS: If you encounter broken links, changed URLs—or know of wonderful sites we’ve missed—please drop us a line. It helps to keep this resource as useful as possible for all of us. To those of you who have introduced us to sites like the ones in this newsletter (such as Ken Albala), thanks, and keep them coming!
PPS: If you wish to change the e-mail address at which you receive these newsletters, or otherwise modify the way you receive our postings or—if you’ve received this newsletter by mistake, and/or don’t wish to receive future issues—you have our sincere apology and can have your e-mail address deleted from the list immediately. We’re happy (and continuously amazed) that so few people have decided to leave the list but, should you choose to be one of them, let us know and we’ll see that your in-box is never afflicted by these updates again. You’ll find links at the bottom of this page to fix everything to your liking.
---- the new sites ----
(The New Yorker’s Nicola Twilley on Charles Spence’s experiments using our other senses to change our perception of flavor)
(a New York Times article, by Bee Wilson, about Barbara Ketcham Wheaton’s database of ancient recipes)
(Judith H. Dobrzynski, in The New York Times, on Getty’s exhibit, “The Edible Monument: The Art of Food for Festivals”)
(Tamar Adler, in The New York Times, on the politics and psychology behind all those dishes that seem ridiculous to us, now)
(The Guardian’s Andy Brunning has the jitters about bitterness)
(Vikas Bajaj, in The New York Times, is concerned about the effect mergers will have on distribution of artisanal brews)
(an exhibit at the Getty Museum)
(The Guardian’s Felicity Cloake on ignored heirloom varieties)
(Kristin Reynolds and Julian Agyeman on societal benefits of food studies programs)
(selected rare books in the Library of Congress collection)
(Lucky Peach’s guide, by Alex Stupak & Jordana Rothman, authors of Tacos: Recipes and Provocations)
(Bryan Mayer celebrates his inner vampire at Food Republic)
(the gospel—of North Carolina BBQ—according to Calvin Trillin, in The New Yorker)
(Dwight Furrow’s efforts to separate the subjective from the objective in wine tasting)
(Jordan D. Rosenblum draws upon archaeological and textual evidence)
(Tori Avey on Twain’s nostalgic longing for familiar American dishes while traveling in Europe)
(William Grimes, in The New York Times, reports on an exhibit about flavor chemistry)
(Eater’s Susmita Bara on the collaboration between chefs, food technologists, and scientists to better understand how we perceive taste, in order to improve our food, both aesthetically and nutritionally)
(vegetable puns and metaphors in Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor)
(Ken Albala digs through the archives of the J. Paul Getty Museum)
(Jen Agg, in The New York Times, on the “testosterone-fueled environment” that continues to exist in professional kitchens)
(Jenny Chen, in Atlantic, on how some aromas can make us perceive tastes, even when they missing)
(Lisa M. Hamilton, in The California Sunday Magazine, on the perils of looking into the early history of Oryza sativa)
(southern cooking has been the darling of American food lately, which has led to much speculation about the role of African cooking in the creation of U.S. “cuisine;” Cynthia Bertelsen is trying to sort out the issues involved)
(searchable database of 7584 images of fruits, created between 1886 and 1942)
(Dr. Arielle Johnson tells what it is—and what it isn’t—at Lucky Peach)
(Markham Heid, in Time: not all calories are created equal)
---- inspirational (or otherwise useful) site for writers/bloggers ----
---- more blogs ----
---- that’s all for now ----
Except, of course, for the usual legalistic mumbo-jumbo and commercial flim-flam:
Your privacy is important to us. We will not give, sell or share your e-mail address with anyone, for any purpose—ever. Nonetheless, we will expose you to the following irredeemably brazen plugs:
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It’s easy. Whenever you want to shop on Amazon. Com, click on any of the book links below, then whatever you buy there will earn a commission for this newsletter (it doesn’t even have to be one of our books).
The Resource Guide for Food Writers
The Business of Food: Encyclopedia of the Food And Drink Industries
Human Cuisine
Herbs: A Global History
Sausage: A Global History
Can It! The Perils and Pleasures of Preserving Foods (pre-order)
Terms of Vegery
How to Serve Man: On Cannibalism, Sex, Sacrifice, & the Nature of Eating
Here endeth the sales pitch(es)...
...for the moment, anyway.
The Resource Guide for Food Writers, Update #182 is protected by copyright, and is provided at no cost, for your personal use only. It may not be copied or retransmitted unless this notice remains affixed. Any other form of republication—unless with the author'‘s prior written permission—is strictly prohibited.
Copyright (c) 2015 by Gary Allen.
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