food sites for November 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
A bushel of winter squash at a farm stand, Palenville, New York
Regular subscribers to our updates newsletter receive these updates from our blog, Just Served, directly -- but there is much more at the blog that isn’t delivered automatically. Also, our stuff frequently appears in Roll Magazine, and last month’s article was on Beechnuts -- which, against all expectations, does not once mention chewing gum.
Pre-empting the gorging season, On the Table’s culinary quote collection waxes fat about fat:
American consumers have no problem with carcinogens, but they will not purchase any product, including floor wax, that has fat in it. Dave Barry
I have a great diet. You’re allowed to eat anything you want, but you must eat it with naked fat people. Ed Bluestone
America is now the fattest country in the world and getting fatter every day. unnamed H.J. Heinz Co. executive
It’s OK to be fat. So you’re fat. Just be fat and shut up about it. Roseanne Arnold
November, 2014
---- the new sites ----
(Christine Baumgarthuber’s food history columns; archive of older postings here)
(a collection of six profiles -- Grant Achatz, Mario Batali, Anthony Bourdain, David Chang, Julia Child, and Alice Waters -- in The New Yorker)
(thousands of recipes from The New York Times)
(Jacqueline M. Newman’s article in Flavor & Fortune)
(some embarrassing self-revelation from
(scanned facsimile pages, and PDF version, of Susannah Carter’s 1803 book)
(tropical, exotic, accessory, and hybrid fruits; plus fruit news and recipes)
(website of a self-described gastronome – and food consultant, cook, traveler and educator)
(Eliza Barclay reports of new technologies that produce artificial foodstuffs by fermentation, rather than by less appealing, or environmentally-less desirable, methods – such as from petrochemicals)
(selections from the magazine’s archives: 1940s-1970s & 2000s)
(Christine Baumgarthuber on the place of pork and corn in the historical diet of America’s southerners)
(article by the New York Public Library’s Carmen Nigro)
(dialogue, between Bani Amor and Thy Tran, on false assumptions about “ethnic” food writers, the imagined audience for their writing, and the ways food writing is used to reinforce stereotypes about race and ethnicity for profit)
(recreating a sour twelfth-century recipe that features sweet spices)
(quarterly magazine “…dedicated to examining gastronomic cultural traditions [of] the symbiotic affinity between simple food and wine…”)
(infographic on compatibility of flavors)
(Eater National account of her lecture/demonstration)
(food for thought via articles and TED-like video presentations)
(an interview with the author of Plenty)
(another aggregator of food articles)
(New York City’s future museum, “… about the culture, history, science, production, and commerce of food and drink,” where one will be able to smell and taste the exhibits)
(apparently -- in England at least -- it didn’t exist before middle-class Edwardians decided it should)
(Jan Whitaker, on restaurants’ use of their windows to attract customers)
(from Mexican chef par excellence, Zarela Martinez)
(Dan Jurafsky’s history of tea, with an emphasis on linguistics)
(“Wine snob. Isn’t that a redundancy…?” more embarrassing details from
(food safety microbiologist Peter Olsen blogs about an ancient brew)
---- inspirational (or otherwise useful) sites for writers/bloggers ----
---- yet more blogs ----
---- that’s all for now ----
The Resource Guide for Food Writers
The Herbalist in the Kitchen
The Business of Food: Encyclopedia of the Food And Drink Industries
Human Cuisine
Herbs: A Global History
Terms of Vegery
How to Serve Man: On Cannibalism, Sex, Sacrifice, & the Nature of Eating
The Resource Guide for Food Writers, Update #169 is protected by copyright, and is provided at no cost, for your personal use only. It may not be copied or retransmitted unless this notice remains affixed. Any other form of republication -- unless with the author'‘s prior written permission -- is strictly prohibited.
Copyright, 2014 by Gary Allen.
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