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Food Sites for November 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Dried Indian Corn, Rhinebeck, New York

As October drifts into November, frost takes its toll in our gardens -- but, at the same time, sharpens our appetites for hearty dishes we haven't thought about since last spring.

In the interest of blatant self-promotion, we have to announce that we'll be reading as part of Drink[dot]Think's evening of intelligent imbibing on Wednesday, October 19, in NYC's SOHO. Don't worry... there will be other, more respectable writers on the program.

Regular subscribers to our updates newsletter receive these updates from our blog, Just Served, directly -- but there is much more at the blog that isn’t sent automatically. We don't want to wear out our welcome with a lot of unsolicited blather. This month, our readers are lucky enough to escape our relentless voice, and find instead a guest author on our blog. Our friend Francine Segan has posted about her sweet new cookbook, Dolci. However... should you feel an irresistible pull toward the sort of self-indulgent claptrap we usually post, you can surrender to that attraction at Just Served. If you don't want to wait for these newsletters to hear about such postings, you can follow us on Facebook, or Twitter.

In other news, the edited text, illustrations, and captions for Herbs: A Global History are done, and staff at Reaktion (the publisher) is hard at work putting the book together. The galleys have arrived, and all the Author's Queries have been addressed -- next comes indexing, then all there is for us to do is wait for publication on April 15th, 2012.

We're currently writing another book, for Reaktion's Edible Series, this time on sausage.

"A Quiet Little Table in the Corner" is an annotated ("annotated" being used, naturally, in its least academic sense) directory of our writings -- mostly on other people's sites.

Leitesculinaria is still in the process of reposting, sometimes -- with shiny new updates and edits -- some of our older articles. The entire list of our currently-posted LeitesCulinaria articles is available here, along with several other articles on food history & science.

Here's this month's eclectic bunch of quotations (n.b., "eclectic" -- a fancy word for any collection of items that probably had no business being collected in the first place), soon to be added to On the Table's culinary quote pages.

"To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living." Anthony Bourdain

"Leading specialists agree that food is the number one cure for hunger." Stan Freberg

Nonetheless, we refuse to take this personally:

"Mellow nuts have the hardest rind." Sir Walter Scott

November, 2011

PS: If you encounter broken links, changed URLs -- or know of wonderful sites we've missed -- please drop us a line. It helps to keep this resource as useful as possible for all of us. To those of you who have suggested sites -- thanks, and keep them coming!

PPS: If you wish to change the e-mail address at which you receive these newsletters, or otherwise modify the way you receive our postings, go here.

PPPS: If you've received this newsletter by mistake, and/or don't wish to receive future issues, you have our sincere apology and can have your e-mail address deleted from the list immediately. We're happy (and continuously amazed) that so few people have decided to leave the list -- but, should you choose to be one of them, let us know and we'll see that your in-box is never afflicted by these updates again. You can unsubscribe here.

----the new sites----

American Indian Health and Diet Project (AIHDP)
(A University of Kansas study, using traditional indigenous foods eaten by Native Americans)

Brewing in Colonial America
(first of a four-part history by Gregg Smith)

COLLECTION: Medieval and Anglo Saxon Recipes
(selections from Michelle Berriedale-Johnson's The British Museum Cookbook)

Deep Thinking About the Future of Food
(Justin Gillis' blog post in The New York Times)

Food Heritage Sites
(links to "...sites and food-related exhibits are also... where people, especially students and children, can connect with food")
(articles, etc., from food historian and publisher Patricia B. Mitchell)

Haggis: History
(everything known, or presumed to be known, about the "Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!")

Imperial Dining - History of Court Dining
(French-inspired cookery in fin de siècle Russia)

Lady Logie's Recipes
(formerly unpublished recipes from eighteenth-century England)

Pennsylvania Brewery Historians
("Researching Pennsylvania's Brewing Heritage Since 1980;" links to exhibits and events)

Queens County Farm Museum
(dating to 1697, it's "...New York City's largest remaining tract [47 acres] of undisturbed farmland ... the only working historical farm" within city limits)

----yet more blogs----

5 second rule

Crumbs on My Keyboard

Decolonizing Diet Project Blog

Food Studies

Hungry Passport

Kate Sonders Blog

----that's all for now----

Except, of course, for the usual legalistic mumbo-jumbo and commercial flim-flam:

Your privacy is important to us. We will not give, sell or share your e-mail address with anyone, for any purpose -- ever. Nonetheless, we will expose you to the following irredeemably brazen plugs:

Our books, The Resource Guide for Food Writers, The Herbalist in the Kitchen, The Business of Food: Encyclopedia of the Food And Drink Industries, and Human Cuisine can be ordered through the Libro-Emporium.

Here endeth the sales pitch(es)...

...for the moment, anyway.


"The Resource Guide for Food Writers, Update #133" is protected by copyright, and is provided at no cost, for your personal use only. It may not be copied or retransmitted unless this notice remains affixed. Any other form of republication -- unless with the author's prior written permission -- is strictly prohibited.

Copyright (c) 2011 by Gary Allen.


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